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Yearly Horoscope 2022 Horoscope 2022 Predictions
Love, Carrier, Marriage, Health, Business, Children, Education
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दोस्तों आप किसी भी राशि का राशिफल देखना चाहते है तो आप हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल गुरु अरविन्द जी को लाइक शेयर सब्सक्राइब करे आप हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल मैं किसी भी राशि का राशिफल देख सकते है और बहुत से सरल उपाए बताये गए है जिनको आप अपने जीवन मैं करके अपने जीवन के दुःख दूर कर सकते है।
हम आशा करते है हमारा उपाए आपके लिए जरूर फायदेमंद होगा।
Yearly Horoscope 2022 - Horoscope 2022 Predictions
Horoscope 2022 by Guru Arvind Ji is the ultimate guide for your New Year 2022, where you get detailed yearly predictions for all zodiac signs. This Guide offers you a deep insight into upcoming challenges, opportunities, new paths and so on in 2022, and enables you to prepare yourself for what’s to come. Yearly Horoscope 2022 is prepared under the esteemed guidance of our expert astrologers, who analyse the placement and movement of planets, Nakshatras, stars etc. and come up with accurate predictions and reliable remedies.
Horoscope 2022
Get life predictions related to multiple aspects of your life such as marriage, profession, business, health, family, love, studies and so on in this article.
Aries Horoscope 2022
Aries 2022
Aries Horoscope 2022 based on Vedic Astrology reveals that the planet Mars will enter the zodiac sign Sagittarius in the latter half of the month, i.e. 16 January, which will turn out to be favourable from a financial point of view. This transit will prove to bring a wave of positive outcomes in the lives of Aries natives. The transit of Jupiter in its own sign Pisces on 13 April will help you succeed in your academic endeavours. Since the planet Saturn is present in your tenth house for most of this year, you will have to work harder than before to gain success.
The beginning of the year 2022 can bring some challenges to the lives of lovers of this zodiac sign as per Yearly Horoscope 2022. The conjunction of Saturn and Mercury from the beginning of 2022 till March can invite minor health issues. You can suffer from digestion-related issues as a result of Mars transiting in Pisces from mid-May till August. You need to take special precautions and keep a tab on your diet. With Mars being in your own sign and aspecting the fourth house till 10 August and then transiting in the second house will majorly impact your family life.
Taurus Horoscope 2022
Taurus 2022
As per Taurus Horoscope 2022, the natives are bound to attain average results in various aspects of life this year. With the transit of Mars on 16 January in Sagittarius, luck will favour you in major aspects of your life. You will incur favourable outcomes in the field of career, and your professional life will bloom. Also, with Saturn placed in the tenth house from your sign, multiple sources of income will arise. With several planetary movements taking place in April, you will be able to accumulate wealth and money. However, several ups and downs will be seen in your financial conditions between August and October this year, as predicted by Yearly Horoscope 2022. With the transit of Jupiter Guru in the eleventh house in Pisces from your sign from April, you will spend lavishly on your needs and wants. Also, you can establish good relations with your senior officers. The last three months of 2022, October, November and December, will turn out to be favourable for your children.
Gemini Horoscope 2022
Gemini 2022
According to Gemini Horoscope 2022 based on the principles of Vedic Astrology, planetary movement suggests several challenges and opportunities coming in the way of Gemini natives. Saturn in its own sign in the eighth house from January to March can incur a financial loss as well as health challenges and sufferings. This can prove to be a testing time for natives of the Gemini zodiac sign. From mid-February (17 February) till April, you can suffer from several health issues such as Acidity, Joint Pain, Cold-Cough etc.
However, the transit of Rahu in the eleventh house after mid-April can bring some positive changes in the lives of Gemini natives. Time will be fateful for students, as due to the transit of Jupiter in Pisces and tenth house, students will attain desired results in their academic life between April and July. However, after 27 April, Saturn in the ninth house from your sign can indicate that students preparing for competitive exams have to wait longer to gain success. For professionals, job seekers will land the desired opportunity as a result of Mars transiting in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth house from your sign between May and August.
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Cancer Horoscope 2022
Cancer 2022
Predictions for Cancer Horoscope 2022 say that the presence of Saturn in your seventh house at the beginning of this year can give rise to several problems in life. But with the transit of Mars in Sagittarius on 16 January, your level of confidence will increase and you will be able to get rid of several problems instantly. However, Mars in the house of leisures and happiness can give rise to health problems for your mother. Hence, take good care of her and look after what she eats and drinks.
After this, April will see a lot of planetary transits and movements taking place. Saturn transiting in the Aquarius zodiac sign from April-end to mid-July will majorly impact your financial life, after which the time from April till August will turn out to be fruitful. Situations will improve after the transit of the planet Jupiter in the ninth house from your sign during mid-April. After this, the transit of Rahu in Aries will give rise to several employment opportunities, which will help the natives earn a good fortune till September. Between June-July, Mars will enter Aries and fully aspect your zodiac sign, as a result of which you will be able to get rid of the negativity in married life.
Leo Horoscope 2022
Leo 2022
With the transit of sign-lord Sun in the fifth house at the beginning of the year, financial conditions will improve. The transit of Mars from January-end till March will improve your child’s health to a great extent. Mars in the sixth house from your sign on 26 February while aspecting the house of luck and fortune will incur great success in your professional life. However, natives are suggested to remain a little alert in the months of February and April since planetary conjunctions and movements can turn out to be unfavourable.
The month of April will be full of unexpected occurrences for Leo natives. The planetary transit of Rahu in Aries on 12 April, i.e. the ninth house from your sign can give rise to some health problems, hence take good care. Jupiter in Pisces from 13 April till August while fully aspecting the fifth house will prove to be fortunate for Leo natives. As a result, students pursuing secondary education will incur desired success in their academic endeavours. Following this, Rahu in Aries after 12 April can lead to a good professional relationship with your seniors and boss. This will directly impact your reputation at work and can increase the possibility of landing a promotion or increment. Between April and September, married couples will get over their marital woes and can plan to go on a trip with their spouse. Mars transiting in Taurus between 10 August and October will help gain the favour of luck and fortune.
Virgo Horoscope 2022
Virgo 2022
According to Virgo Horoscope 2022, Virgo natives will enjoy great wealth and financial prosperity at the beginning of 2022 as a result of Mars in Sagittarius in the month of January. However, things can go downhill healthwise, as they can suffer from minor health troubles. The month of April, June and September seem to be unfavourable as well as concerning from the health point of view. The transit of Mars in Capricorn and the fifth house from your sign from 26 February will lead to optimistic academic results for Virgo natives.
At the beginning of March, the conjunction of four major planets, i.e. Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Venus, in the fifth house and Capricorn sign indicates favourable financial conditions and can give rise to new sources of income. From April-end till mid-July, with Saturn transiting in your sixth house in Aquarius, you can experience differences between you and your family. On the other hand, the time between September and December end can prove to be highly favourable for Virgo students who wish to pursue education by going abroad. Along with this, with Mercury transiting in Libra, i.e. the second house from your sign in the month of October and staying there till mid-November, you will experience the relationship between you and your beloved becoming stronger.
Libra Horoscope 2022
Libra 2022
As per Vedic Astrology, Libra Horoscope 2022 predictions reveal that the beginning of the New Year 2022 will incur favourable results physically, mentally and careerwise, but things can take a U-Turn when we talk about business and family. The transit of Mars in Sagittarius in the middle of January will incur favourable financial results and profits. Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Venus forming the Chatur Graha Yoga at the beginning of March will result in financial success and smooth cash flow.
Moving ahead, if we talk about students, then Jupiter transiting in Pisces in the month of April will result in promising results in the field of education. Anything related to a foreign land, job or education will get fulfilled between May and November. The transit of Mars in the fourth house from your sign on 26 February will incur fruitful academic results for students. Rahu in Aries or the seventh house from your sign in April can bring major changes in the lives of lovers as well as married natives. Those who are single may tie the knot between October and November 2022.
Scorpio Horoscope 2022
Scorpio 2022
According to Scorpio Horoscope 2022, the New Year 2022 will be full of mixed results for Scorpio natives. There will be unnecessary expenses from the beginning of 2022 till April. During the end of the month of April, the transit of the planet Saturn in Aquarius will deliver mixed results in your career, financial as well as family life. The transit of Jupiter in Pisces during mid-April in the fifth house from your zodiac sign will bring a major improvement in your financial conditions. Health will improve as a result of Rahu changing its placement on 12th April. However, you may remain mentally stressed which can impact other aspects of your life.
You will earn a good amount of money between May and September as a result of favourable planetary conditions. The transit of Venus in the house of profits and benefits in the month of September will help you to succeed in accumulating a good amount of money. Between August till October, you must take good care of your mother's health as well as your spouse’s.
In terms of love life, the transit of Saturn in the fourth house and Aquarius during the last days of April can give rise to minor arguments and fights between you and your beloved over petty issues. However, you need to trust your relationship and a white search small all issues that can lead to major fights. Even with the transit of Venus in Virgo and the eleventh house and Venus being in a debilitated state, you and your beloved will get a lot of time to understand each other and spend a good amount of time between September and November.
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Sagittarius Horoscope 2022
Sagittarius 2022
Sagittarius Horoscope 2022 as per Vedic Astrology predicts that the year 2022 will turn out to be favourable for Sagittarius natives in terms of finances. During the beginning of the year 2022 that is January, the planet Mars will transit in your zodiac sign and help to strengthen your financial conditions to a certain level. In terms of academics, the beginning of the year 2022 will be favourable for students. From February till June you will gain the outcome of your hard work and those preparing for competitive exams will feel capable of exceeding their expectations.
The transit of Mars in Sagittarius at the beginning of this year can lead to mental worries and stress as well as the aspect of Mars on the seventh house can lead to arguments in family life. Talking about your married and love life, the transit of the Sun in January in Capricorn while creating conjunction with Saturn in the same sign can give rise to problems and misunderstanding between you and your beloved. You are advised to control your words.
Between April and June, the transit of Jupiter in its own sign Pisces can turn the tables. From June till 20 July your marital life will undergo major improvements as a result of which, you will enjoy marital bliss during the last phase of 2022 since the planet Jupiter is posited in the fourth house from your sign. Talking about your professional life, new sources of employment will come to light from November. In terms of health, due to the transit of Venus in your sixth house in the month of June, you have to stay aware of catching any major disease till October.
Capricorn Horoscope 2022
Capricorn 2022
According to the Capricorn Horoscope 2022 as per Vedic Astrology, the New Year 2022 will prove to be full of ups and downs for Capricorn natives. The placement of Saturn in its own sign during the beginning of this year proves to be favourable for your career finances and academics. However, its transit in the month of April can bring challenges in various aspects of life.
Talking about finances, that transit of Mars in the 12th house from your zodiac sign can give rise to obstacles in accumulating money. However, for businessmen and merchants, the time period from September till the end of the year proves to be fruitful. Talking about health cover the transit of Saturn in Aquarius in the month of April can give rise to minor health issues. Hence, take good care of your diet and do yoga daily. Also do not ignore any digestion or stomach related problem between September and November and seek medical assistance as necessary. For students, Mars transit during the month of January will result in extra hard work and efforts. The placement of Ketu in the Scorpio sign can give rise to familial troubles during the beginning of this year as Ketu is the planet of isolation and can make you aloof from the world. You are advised to maintain good relations with your family members and not get into an argument over petty issues.
The time will bring mixed results for natives who are in love as well as married. For those in love, the transit of Jupiter in the third house from your zodiac sign in the month of April can incur favourable results. On the same lines, there can be minor issues at the beginning of this year for married natives but from August onwards, your marital life will turn out to be great. During this period, you can plan to go on a trip with your spouse. The year-end will prove to be blessed for married couples.
Aquarius Horoscope 2022
Aquarius 2022
As per Aquarius Horoscope 2022, this year will remain mostly favourable for the natives of the Aquarius zodiac sign. In terms of finances, this year turns out to be well. The transit of Mars in the month of January will benefit you financially. The conjunction of four major planets, i.e. Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Venus, during the beginning of March will help you succeed in your endeavours and Inka good wealth. However, the transit of Rahu on 12th April in Aries and the third house from your sign can make you take impulsive decisions. You should take good care of such things and not let anything influence you. Your health will remain average throughout this year. You may suffer from mental stress in the month of January and from February till May, you may face external issues as a result of unfavourable planetary movements and placements. Due to the transit of Rahu in Aries and the third house from your sign in the month of April, your siblings may face several health troubles.
Talking about career and professional life, the placement of Mars in Sagittarius in the month of January will incur huge success in both job and business. However, you may face minor issues with your seniors and boss from the month of September till November. This year will turn out to be fruitful for students of the zodiac sign. However, you need to work harder during the initial days in order to enjoy the fruits later on. For married natives, the year 2022 will be mixed. You may get into arguments with your spouse and in-laws during the initial days of this year and the situations may not improve till April. Those who are unmarried may tie the knot as a result of Jupiter transiting in the second house from your sign, that is, Pisces in the month of April.
Pisces Horoscope 2022
Pisces 2022
The year 2022 will turn out to be majorly favourable for Pisces natives according to Pisces Horoscope 2022. You will remain financially prosperous for most of this year. The placement of Saturn from the eleventh to the twelfth house in the month of April will give rise to new sources of income. With planetary placements constantly changing between August and October, you will witness several financial ups and downs in your life. Careerwise, Pisces natives will witness desired results. The transit of Jupiter in Pisces in the month of April will help you establish good relationships with your colleagues. You may get promoted and land a desirable increment.
Students preparing for competitive exams will excel in their exams with flying colours. In terms of family life, the transit of Saturn in the twelfth house from your zodiac sign during the last days of April can result in you moving far away from your family. Healthwise, the health of your mother may improve between May and August. In the month of May till September, you need to pay attention to your health since the planet Saturn is fully aspecting your house of illness.
Due to the conjunction of three planets, i.e. Mars, Venus and Jupiter in the month of May along with the transit of Jupiter will incur blessings from your family and elders. In terms of marital life, this year will be a blessing for married natives. The beginning of this year till March will be extremely good for married couples. After 21st April, a sense of newness will prevail between couples who are married. For lovers of this sign, this year will be average. With the 5th House lord and the 7th House lord Mercury being present in the house of benefits and fully aspecting the house of love and relationships, a third person can suddenly enter your love life. Avoid arguing over petty issues between September and November this year
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